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Can't compare clist item with string

I can't compare comma list item with string. \clist_a is a temp var.\documentclass[12pt]{article}\usepackage{expl3}\begin{document}\ExplSyntaxOn\clist_new:N \clist_a\keys_define:nn { mymodule }{ key...

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Nested SplitList Problem for quick expansion

I'm thinking whether I can write a new command for quick inserting any number of small groups of vectors in vector space. Here is what I want:$\basis{x; u; v}$will automatically resolve to:$x_1, \sim...

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latex expressions in 2 columns separated by line

I want to write latex code for the following --i have the following latex code but it doesn't work --\begin{mdframed}[backgroundcolor=customgray, linecolor=white]\begin{align}\texttt{output} :=...

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Hyperlink is not appearing in the desired place

The hyperlink should appear on the label, but it is appearing far away from the label text. How do I correct it? Any ideas or thoughts are much appreciated.Note: I couldn't change the structure of the...

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How to print the number of elements in the first and second rows of an array...

I've assigned an array and I want to design a command (Assume it's named \arraynum) with 2 values to print the number of elements in the first and second rows of an array respectively, for...

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Why can I not correctly reset a key in l3keys?

To help me learn l3keys I created two small demos.The first uses l3keys for a command and seems to work correctly as far as I can tell.% !TEX program = lualatexmk% !TEX encoding = UTF-8...

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How can I define a command for lower and upper Riemman integrals with the...

The command I'm trying to define is the following:\lowint{f}[a,b}{\alpha}Expecting:When the second argument is empty, the expected result is this:I noticed that using \underline{\int} produces a weird...

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Points question xsim package precision decimal

How can I customize the score accurately as a 1.0 is not able to recognize.Look in MWEI like show points 1.0 and 2.0, if points is major 1.001 show in points questions, how change...

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Create a table with latex3: error extra alignment tab

I would like to create a table with a macro. Unfortunately, I get an error. So here isa simple example:\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \begin{document} \ExplSyntaxOn %%% Create a new table nxn...

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Suggest a Practical Roadmap to becoming a TeX/LaTeX expert [duplicate]

What would be a Practical and Optimal Roadmap for a beginner to becoming an expert author or maintainer of a complex and professional LaTeX package?

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if_exist macros in LaTeX 3: what are they doing if they do not check the type...

In the documentation of interface3, for several macros with the pattern xxxx_if_exist for xxxx being bool, str, seq and many others the following appear:Tests whether the <boolean> is currently...

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No output PDF file produced while using \tl_show, \str_show, \int_show etc

While compiling Latex source file\documentclass{article}\ExplSyntaxOn\tl_new:N \l_test_value_tl\tl_set:Nn \l_test_value_tl {It's~a~test~value}\tl_show:N \l_test_value_tl\ExplSyntaxOff\begin{document}...

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LaTeX3 - Data structure to be reused

I want to store several pieces of data, each of the following type, so that I can manipulate them both for formatting and for calculations. The number of lines analysed in the user's code is not fixed...

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Command for Multiplying Integers

I would like to create a command that can multiply consecutive integers together (if it doesn't already exists).How do I create a command, say \multiply{<first_number>}{<last_number>},...

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What are these ^^M that I can't replace?

If I read with he v argument a verbatim string, all newlines are replaced with a token ^^M (seems like it is a carriage return in latex). The problem is that when I write this down to a file, it...

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Simultaneus Multicolor for Letter using Latex [duplicate]

\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{scrartcl}\usepackage[spanish]{babel}\usepackage{geometry}\geometry{margin=1.3cm}\begin{document}\centering{\Huge Markallaa}\\\vspace{1.1cm}{\huge...

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Error: Arithmetic overflow

MotivationI'm trying to calculate different probabilities 'automatically', given only some variables such as the number of cards in a sample and the number of cards drawn.CodeThe following code...

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Reducing Fractions Automatically Using LaTeX3

Consider the following code:\documentclass{article}\begin{document}\noindentCan I make \LaTeX{} reduce a fraction automatically?\\[\baselineskip]For example, I would like the fraction\[...

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Why does multiplication in \dim_set:Nn crash LaTeX?

Why does multiplication in \dim_set:Nn cause the LaTeX to crash?I have found that it is possible to do multiplication in \fp_set:Nn for example\fp_set:Nn \onefloat {5 * 6}works well.But multiplication...

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Floating point equivalent of \int_case:nnTF

There are several typed pattern-matching commands in expl3, such as \tl_case, \str_case etc., including \int_case, but, notably, there doesn't seem to be a corresponding \fp_case for matching floating...

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Powershell's Get-Clipboard slow output in TeXStudio Script

I am currently trying to run a TeXStudio script that calls a Powershell Script that outputs to the Messages Section of TeXStudio the contents of the clipboard. This is the script I have in TeXStudio's...

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In Latex3, how to test if all tokens in the input verify a test (for example...

In Latex3, I would like to write a function that checks if every token of an input verify a predicate.Basically I would like the multitoken version of this command:\NewDocumentCommand{\mychecksingle}{m...

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Matplotlib - Latex Premable Package not loading

I want to use LaTeX in the x-label of a plot. I need the label to be \varepsilon with a subscript that is a smaller version of the \parallel symbol. This is what I have tried but it does not work, I...

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LaTeX3 regex not working

I have a very strange bug and I guess I am not using LaTeX3 regexes as they are supposed to be used. My current document looks like...

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Theorem, lemmas, examples numeration

I'm writing the paper and need to fix the numeration. Actually I haveTheorem 1.1, Theorem 1.2, Lemma 1.3, Theorem 1.4 etc.This is my head with macroses\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{mwrep} %do druku...

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Current best practice re. cross-references to last page

I am/was using pageslts, which I know is not supposed to be compatible with current LaTeX. As far as I understand, there is no alternative offering the same functionality, but I'd like to at least find...

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How should I have diagnosed this? Figuring out when to insert code into hooks...

This question seems very confused to me, so I'm not sure you will be able to make sense of it.I know how to solve this problem (now). What I would like to know is how I should have diagnosed and solved...

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LaTeX3-sensitive editors

I'm starting to embed LaTeX3 code in my custom classes and packages -- and enjoying it more the further I learn about it --, but at least to me it would make for an even better experience if, as it is...

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Customized output when referencing autonumbered paragraph

I have a customized paragraph that I use to define skills and autonumber them. When referencing the paragraphs, the output should be custom text plus counter number (e.g., S1, S2 etc). But currently,...

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How to create a LaTeX3 environment in paracol without delimiter issues?

I would like to turn this answer into an environment.Therefore, I use xparse to define a LaTeX3 environment, but I am missing a little something because it creates errors.It seems, I have issues about...

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